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  Janet | Interview

Janet about Jackson Family Reunion,Movies & tabloids
Janet talked with MSNBC.com about her career, her dreams, walls, drama, love, marriage, divorce and the status of the Jackson Family Reunion tour.

"“I don’t know, there’s been talk and I honestly don’t know and I’m one of them! I really would love to see it happen,” she said wistfully. “I’m such a fan of my brothers and to see them all on stage together, I would die for that, die for that.”

How she deals with all the negative media coverage of her family and her yo-yoing weight?

“I try not to pay attention to it,” she said with a little more edge in her soft voice. “People talking about me doesn’t hurt me as much as it does when I see them talking about other members of my family, because they don’t really know them or know where it’s all coming from. They don’t know if it’s true or if you can believe what you read or why things happen the way they do.

“You can’t know until you walk in that person’s shoes. And people are so quick to be judgmental. We’re all judgmental and I try my hardest not to be and just try and keep a clean slate, but you just never know what’s going on behind closed doors.”

“When you hit a certain age, you don’t want to deal with no mess,” she said emphatically. “You don’t want to hear no mess. I think my last divorce did that for me. I’m over it. I’m done with the drama.”

Janet also said that she would love to “kick some ass” in an action film, or play an iconic musical star.

“I would love to and I don’t know if it will happen, but hopefully it will,” Jackson says with a nervous giggle. “I don’t even want to say who it is, or maybe I should. I would love to do the Eartha Kitt story. I met her for the first time when she played Carnegie Hall and it was such an amazing moment in my life. It’s my dream to play her.”

Maybe she will get that chance. But even if that doesn’t happen, or if she never has another hit record, it’s very likely that people will still continue to stop and stare every time Jackson enters a room. She’s the kind of person who can stun you with her beauty, awe you with presence and intrigue you with her legend.

“My friends still tell me that I’m very generous and I’m still loving, but I’m not quite as gentle or loving as I used to be after going through relationships and things like that,” Jackson said as she diverted her eyes momentarily toward the glass doors leading to the balcony. “There’s a little bit of a wall that I’m trying to work on, but yet I don’t want it to all come down.”

[Miki Turner